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Volunteers needed! Be part of the ZÜRICH OPENAIR Team's 2016

Volunteers needed! Be part of the ZÜRICH OPENAIR Team's 2016


We need you and your friends! Help us turn the ZÜRICH OPENAIR 2016 in an unforgettable event and get the chance to have a look behind the scenes of a festival. Through a unique atmosphere and the access to the Staff Zone, you’ll experience the ZÜRICH... [mehr]
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57 Besucher seit 05.08.2016





We need you and your friends! Find out more at: www.zurichopenair.ch/en/volunteer

Volunteers needed! Be part of the ZÜRICH OPENAIR Team's 2016

05.08.2016 um 18:06

We need you and your friends!

Help us turn the ZÜRICH OPENAIR 2016 in an unforgettable event and get the chance to have a look behind the scenes of a festival. Through a unique atmosphere and the access to the Staff Zone, you’ll experience the ZÜRICH OPENAIR from an exciting point of view. Join the OPENAIR side of Zurich!

You’ll find the application form and further information at: www.zurichopenair.ch/en/volunteer

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