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Found a room 2mins from Bern Universität from this August!

Found a room 2mins from Bern Universität from this August!


Yes, its finally confirmed (^_^ ) Contract's all signed & done! I landed myself a room with Frohberg Zentral! Now it takes me just 2 minutes to walk over to Bern Universität for my research work!Thank you to all for your kind replies, even when the r... [mehr]
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196 Besucher seit 14.05.2015


Universität Bern


Sag ich nicht

(^ _ ^) * / Student from Copenhagen Business School, heading to Universität Bern this Aug'15 for exchange *Up for drinks!*

Any Anime/Comic Convention in Switzerland from Aug 2015 - Jan 2016?

02.06.2015 um 13:50

Its been awhile since I went for any anime/manga/comic convention due to exams & work :'( Totally missing cosplay to bits! (T_T)

Despite what everyone thinks, Cosplay has been a really liberating & rewarding hobby for myself over the last 10-12 years.... Working hard on the details, wearing amazing clothes/costumes & being with friends in the hobby, turning up for events & being a part of the vibe, taking professional photoshoots accurate to the series - ohh, so many ways to enjoy it :33 !

Recently a long-time friend of mine, Goldy-san from Japan was invited to JanAniManga Night '2015 :D He was reallyyy going on about how amazing it was xDD & I was really inspired to want to get to know the Swiss cosplay scene :D

I received a message from Hank's here on student.ch about Fantasy Basel... (O_O') I didn't know there were more than 2 major comic cons in Switzerland... Do you happen to know if there are more events upcoming this end of year? :D

Can't wait to attend!!

Business school & professional image aside, I really love costumes & couture... xDD


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