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Traditionally speaking,

Traditionally speaking,


Although I don't much hold this day (Feb 14) in high esteem - I mean let's face it, how can anyone really get off on such a commercialized luvy-duvy-fest? But I do have a little tradition. And by that I mean something I've been doing every V-day, bec... [mehr]
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15495 Besucher seit 28.06.2005


Universität Zürich


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Open-Source Poetry Revisited

04.01.2009 um 11:54

I would like to take this opportunity to revisit an earlier blog and its topic: open-source poetry. Therein I contemplated an open-source, collaborate approach to writing. Poetry or short stories would probably work best. In any case, I’ve now decided to solve the mystery of the missing twelve lines or so to the rhyming couplet I put forth.

A moment of taciturn hysteria
It beleaguers the sentimental heart;
Sorrow sentenced to sinister silence,
Untreasured,threatening to break apart.
My thoughts an interminable mumbling,
Fett’red to shackles of ‘repressible doubt;
Prisoners of a mind stutt’ring, stumbling,
Like eyes caressing shadows and drought.
This madness: the language of Arcadia,
A synapsed syncope of words withdrawn -
A hortus conclusus, vined wisteria
Cursing darkness only to delay dawn.
And as words go out of sight into mind
They go out of heart into thoughts unkind.

Case closed.

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