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Jive 55

{de}Jive 55{/de}
Location Mambo Café, Zürich
Datum 26.06.2015
22:00 Uhr
Eventtyp Party
Musikstil Rockabilly, Rhythm'n'Blues, Rock'n'Roll, Ska, Soul, Exotica, Hillbilly, Jive, Calypso, Mambo, Jump Blues and Swing.
Eintrittspreis 10.-
Mindestalter 20
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Live: Roy Thompson & the Mellow Kings (F)
Rockin' Rhythm & Blues from the late 40’s to the early 60’s.
Plus Record Hop by DJs: Lance Vegas, Pat Madison.

Let's freak out and get wild to amazing Rockabilly, Rhythm'n'Blues, Rock'n'Roll, Ska, Soul, Exotica, Hillbilly, Jive, Calypso, Mambo, Jump Blues and Swing.

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