Derniers visiteurs de LucGM

LucGM dernier(s) visiteur(s)

Luc Girard-Madoux

Luc Girard-Madoux


Personal statement :A highly driven, methodical and personable Graduate, strong academically with acute society needs awareness. Thrives on new experiences and early responsibility whilst being motivated by overcoming challenges through team work and... [plus]
Lu 4544 fois | 0 commentaires


LucGM a marqué 79 villes dans 7 pays




17 visiteurs depuis 24.05.2012


Energy consulting and management

Vie amoureuse

Je ne le dévoile pas

En année double diplôme en angleterre, Cranfield University.
Luc Girard-Madoux

Luc Girard-Madoux


Personal statement :A highly driven, methodical and personable Graduate, strong academically with acute society needs awareness. Thrives on new experiences and early responsibility whilst being motivated by overcoming challenges through team work and individual merit. Exposure to a range of working environments cemented the ambition to develop professionally in the field of energy generation and ... [plus]
Lu 4544 fois | 0 commentaires