A propos de moi
mhm-hm-huh! yeah! uh, what is it? hm-hm, pretending i'd be cool, huh-huh, yeah. 'is rules! Yeah, YEAH, 'is RUlez mhmhm-huh, yeah. And mhmhm, here, at, mhmhm, you know, mhmhm at "university" mhmhm, i can get some mhmhm, yeah, huh-huh, some ah, know-ledge or something, and then score. You know, SCORE, mhmhm, SCORE, mhmh, yeah, hm, have some chicks, something, mhmhm, yeah, hm, beavis, you know, "knowlegde is the key to hea-ven, hmhm, and to chicks", oh, yeah, boioioioioioiong!